The types of debt that are eligible for credit debt negotiation are unsecured debts, or debts that do not have collateral. These debts include credit card debt, personal loan debt, some private student loan debt as well as medical debt. Secured debt such as vehicle loans, federal student loans, mortgages, utility bills and tax debt are not eligible for credit negotiation.
Debt Negotiation Services: Dealing With Debt Effectively
In the wake of the recent recession, there are many people struggling with cash flow and being on time with credit card payments. If you’re someone experiencing these financial hardships, debt negotiation services might be for you.
Before you negotiate credit card debt, it’s crucial to know how to find the right support and what you can expect. And most importantly, you should consult with a professional to decide whether this approach is even for you.
How Credit Card Negotiation Services Work
To start, you will consult with a credit negotiation services to see what your best option is. If debt settlement negotiation is the right option for you, the credit card negotiation services agency will try to figure out what the best credit negotiation agreement or outcome would be for you.
Once the debt negotiation services agency has determined has determined that negotiating a credit card settlement is the way to go, you will begin to make a monthly deposit into a credit debt negotiation account. Once you have built up enough in your account, debt negotiators will begin negotiating a credit card settlement.

Credit debt negotiation is based off of your financial capabilities. If a creditors believes you are capable of paying off all your debts, they may agree to lower the interest rate. They may also agree to a longer payment period. Sometimes, debt negotiators are able to get creditors to agree to a lower principal balance. When a debt settlement negotiation is reached with your creditors, your debt negotiators will contact you for authorization.
Once you have authorized a credit negotiation agreement, payment will be processed to creditors from your credit negotiation services account. Some settlements involve a lump-sum payment while settlements are structured with multiple payments over time.
Make sure to choose a reputable credit card negotiation services agency. A good company will only charge you fees for their credit negotiation services. A credit negotiation company should not charge you fees for any other reason, per regulation established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The fee is typically a percentage of the total amount of debt enrolled in the credit negotiation services program.
Terms of Credit Negotiation
A Short-Term Solution for Negotiating Credit Card Debt
If your financial struggles are only temporary, such as the temporary loss of a job, a short-term negotiation solution may be for you. Debt negotiators can try to negotiate forbearance, in which you ask for a temporary reduction in payment. This would reduce your minimum payment until you are able to get back on your feet and make higher payments.

When It Works and When It Doesn’t
During debt settlement negotiation, a representative contacts your credit providers and tries to arrange new, more favorable repayment terms. Most times, the goal is to settle the debt for less than was originally owed. If this is something that you’re after, then service is for you.
Depending on your full credit profile, agreeing to pay less even with certain ramifications may be your best course of action. But reduced payment isn’t the only reason why people choose debt negotiation. Here are some other common arrangements that might be suitable for you:
- Lump sum reduction
- Ongoing reduced payments
- Additional time to repay your debt
- Temporarily setting interest rates to 0%
- Debt forgiveness
Remember that negotiation credit services aren’t a cure-all. For example, when you’re putting together the lump sum payment, you should get money from the right sources. Never prioritize unsecured debts over secured ones, borrow against the equity in your home, or withdraw money from your retirement savings. Even the benefits of paying your debt will not justify any of these decisions.
Debt Negotiation Stages
The process of negotiating credit card debt may look different for each case – everyone’s situation has its own specifics. But in order for you to get a general idea of what it’s like, here is what will happen:
- Your creditors will be approached with a tailored settlement proposal. It will take into account this particular situation as well as prior demands for payment or collection action.
- Then will be the main part where you or your counselor will negotiate the debt amount and terms to pay it back. It might take a while and several rounds of back-and-forth with the creditor. Eventually, you settle on a customized payout plan.
- You’ll begin paying off your debt according to the new plan. This process takes the longest time out of all steps, but it’s a sure way to regain control over your financials.
Luckily for you, all the stages of negotiating credit card settlement can be handled by a professional. This way, you won’t have to go through the pain of numerous phone calls. What you’ll be able to focus on instead is getting your financials straight.
Benefits and Challenges You Face While Negotiating Your Debt
Why choose a debt negotiation program over other solutions? Below are some reasons why this option has been a life-saver for many consumers:
- It saves you money – There is a possibility to negotiate credit card debt and pay a substantially less amount.
- Debts are repaid in less time – Alternatively, you may come up with an extended repayment period to lower your monthly payments. For some, it’s a more manageable plan.
- You lower your financial stress – Knowing you have a plan to handle everything is vital. Relief from overwhelming debts gives you the chance to finally relax.
- You avoid bankruptcy or other severe consequences – Bankruptcy is known to follow you for the next ten years. Instead of filing for bankruptcy, it’s better to seek other solutions when possible.
We want to point out once again that negotiation credit services have some setbacks. As with all serious financial decisions, you should be aware of all consequences, even if they’re sometimes less than positive:
- Requires a substantial amount of cash at one time
- Negatively affects your credit score
- Risk of being dropped by your lender
- Stays on your credit report as “settled for less than full balance”
Why Credit Card Companies Agree to Debt Negotiators
Credit negotiation is the preferred option for creditors. Ideally, credit card companies want all of their money back including interest and fees. However in some cases, they realize that getting everything you owe them just isn’t realistic or that using a collections agency or lawyer just isn’t worth the expense. This is why credit card companies agree to debt negotiators in a credit negotiation–receiving some funds is better than receiving none and it can be more cost effective than lawyers and collections fees .
When You Shouldn’t Start a Debt Settlement Negotiation
Negotiating credit card debt isn’t the right option for everyone. If you have less than $7,500 in unsecured debt, credit counseling might be a better option for you. If you are also focused on maintaining a high credit score during the debt relief process, negotiating a credit card settlement may also not be for you.
Why the DIY Route Isn’t the Best Option
The option to negotiate credit card debt on your own is always there. There is, of course, the advantage of saving up on service fees. However, you may end up in an even worse situation than you were before. Because of the unfamiliarity of the negotiating process, it can be intimidating and lead to easily avoidable mistakes.
Trying to negotiate with creditors requires skill, knowledge, and authority that most consumers don’t have. Debt relief agencies, on the other hand, maintain good relationships with creditors and can often package bulk settlements. They also have the recourses to get through to decision-makers and handle long delays as well as paperwork processing.
When you can simply pay off credit card debt at this time, debt negotiation companies can be an essential help. To prevent your balances piling up further, reach out to Debt Quest USA, and we’ll come up with the best solution to wipe your debts away. With us, you can start setting new financial goals without the weight of your debt.
Debt Calculator
How much debt do you owe?
What is your desired
monthly program deposit?
Debt Quest Debt Settlement
Your monthly
program deposit
$5,750 Savings
Your Savings
39 months to pay off your
current debt listed above.
Your monthly program deposit:
Your Savings:
$5,750 Savings
39 months to pay off your
current debt listed above.
Debt Consolidation or Credit Counseling
Your monthly
You pay $14,478 more
No Savings
79 months* to pay off your
current debt listed above.
*Assumed average interest of 15%
Your monthly Payment:
No Savings:
You pay $14,478 more .
36 months to pay off your
current debt listed above.
*Assumed average interest of 15%
Paying Minimum Monthly Payments
Your monthly Payment:
No Savings:
You'll Pay $29,199 More than you owe currently.
32 years* to pay off your current debt listed above.
*Assumed average interest of 20%